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Guests: Oliver Hoch, Divisional Head, Battery-Electric Mobility and Charging Infrastructure, NOW GmbH and Steffen Schulze, Team Leader, Bus & Rail, NOW GmbH

NOW GmbH assists the federal government in its drive to achieve climate and industrial policy goals, with a focus on the transport sector and the vision of a climate-neutral society. Oliver Hoch is the Divisional Head, Battery-Electric Mobility and Charging Infrastructure, and Steffen Schulze is the Team Leader, Bus & Rail. A large part of their work comprises coordinating and strategically developing funding programs. Their hope is that with the latest designs and technologies their jobs will take on a whole new focus. For when buses with alternative drives no longer need funding programs it means the market will have fully embraced this business model – as in China. “China is so far ahead they are now scaling back funding“, says Steffen Schulze. However, manufacturers and transport companies are still grateful for the funding that Germany urgently needs. A third call has now been issued for companies to procure buses with alternative drives. They still have until 10 September to submit their applications to NOW GmbH.
You can find out more about NOW GmbH in its role as a mouthpiece and interface between policymakers, industry and research, about life cycles and how battery-electric buses are reducing emissions, and about visions of mobility in 2050 from Steffen Schulze and Oliver Hoch in the latest episode of BUS2Talk.

A note for all non German-speaking listeners: this episode is only available in German.

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