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Guest: Till Oberwörder, CEO of Daimler Buses

In the tenth and final episode of the fourth series of BUS2Talk, Totinia Hörner and Kerstin Kube-Erkens talk to Till Oberwörder. The CEO of Daimler Buses is in charge of Daimler Truck’s operations worldwide.

In the interview he identifies the key to meeting ambitious emission targets, and the special advantages that buses have compared with other forms of transport which are sometimes overlooked. Together, Kerstin Kube-Erkens and Till Oberwörder discuss to what extent the pandemic has also had an impact on change at Daimler in the bus industry and BUS2BUS in the events sector.

“We are convinced it will be possible for Europe’s city bus market to transition to net zero locally by 2030. It won’t be easy, but it can be done“, says Oberwörder. The trend towards sustainable travel is having a recognisably positive effect on the image of buses. “Someone once said to me ’Look, Mr. Oberwörder, this is the decade of the bus’. And it’s true if you look at how buses can make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.“ In the end buses are already the most sustainable form of transport.

You can find out more about the Daimler E-roadmap, a new company called Daimler Buses Solutions, as well as the group’s work behind the scenes in the latest episode of BUS2Talk.

*Dear Listeners, why not take advantage of our special Christmas offer! Get a 50 % discount on an unlimited pass to BUS2BUS2024 by redeeming the following ticket code – HOLIDAY50 – valid until 31 December 2023.*

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